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Adult Soccer Community Clinics/Recreational Leagues


DC Soccer Sessions holds weekend adult soccer clinics as well as offers various clinics to local intramural adult recreational leagues, teams, and schools in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia. DCSS has partnered with District Sports, United Social Sports, and Federal Triangle FC for community clinics.


Clinics are usually held over 1 to 2 weekends and generally last 2 hours. The clinic can provide soccer drills that focus on a specific area of the game, or can be used as a general refresher.



The benefits of DCSS hosting a clinics include:

  • An extra service provided by your league

  • Allows players to have a better understanding of the rules

  • Further develop fundamental technical/tactical skills

  • Increased player confidence

  • A sense of community associated with your league

  • Women’s-only clinics help increase female retention and growth

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